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Rodent Proofing

Professional Rodent Proofing & Removal

We can keep mice and rats from infesting your attic

Rodent Proofing

Rodent Proofing Service | Attic Cleaning San Mateo, CA

Mice and rats are some of the most persistent and dangerous pests a building can have. Fortunately, our team excels when it comes to removing these animals and making sure they can’t get back in. We provide all this with minimum expense, inconvenience and no cruelty.

Rodents Are Bad News For Your Home

Rodents are often looking for nesting material, and will chew through clothing, papers, wires, and any other soft material. They’re often hungry, and have an uncanny talent for getting into food pantries and cabinets! Worst of all, they can carry illness and bacteria – you don't want to risk infected droppings in your home! Unfortunately, rodents are also notoriously hard to completely get rid of; a single female rat can easily produce fifty offspring in a single year, and mum and babies generally won’t leave unless you make them.

Thorough, Humane Removal

Our company specializes in non-harmful trapping and removal. Killing off a rodent population isn’t just cruel to the rodents, but also harmful to the environment and dangerous to the homeowner. Poisons and chemicals can also harm household pets which we don't want to risk and having a dead rodent decomposing inside your wall or floor isn’t going to the situation more pleasant! That’s why we use thorough searching techniques and specialized equipment to catch the pests alive and remove them from your house without any collateral damage.

Prevention Is Best

The best way to approach a mouse or rat infestation is to prevent it from ever happening in the first place. If you’ve already had rodent problems and want to ensure they don’t come back, or if you’d like to set up some preventative measures, our team can go over your building with a fine toothed comb and seal up any cracks and holes that rodents could use to get in. Mouse-holes are seldom obvious; that’s why you’ll want our professionals making sure you’ve plugged all of them.

Call Us Today

If you suspect there are mice or rats in your home or business – or just want to make sure that it never happens in the future – give Attic Cleaning San Mateo a call and tell us what you need.

We also offer the following services:

Cellulose Insulation

Insulation Install

Mold Inpection & Removal

Crawl Space Cleaning & Repair


Have any questions about having your attic cleaned? Need more information? Leave your contact information below and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.


When you hire our professional cleaners - your satisfaction is guaranteed! Our company provides only safe, pet friendly, and highly professional cleaning services and solutions.

How can we help?
Select Date and time
Mar 26, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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