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NEED HELP WITH YOUR ATTIC? Count on our team!

From cleaning to insulation - We've got you covered!


Need advice? We’ve got you covered

The experience we gained over the years while performing attic cleaning projects is now available to you - check out our tips below!

Have your attic cleaned by professionals

There are a number of reasons you should clean your attic often. Dust and dirt can form on top of everything, from open floors to stored belongings. When air passes through a dirty attic, it flows through the rest of your home too bringing that dust and dirt with it. Insects and rodents love making attics their home, so that's another reason it should be kept clean. Contact our specialists for more information about cleaning your attic properly so you and your family won't have problems caused by a dirty attic.

Check your attic for signs of pests and rodents

Rodents, bugs and other nasties love nestling in your attic because it is dark, quiet and remains relatively undisturbed most of the time. The mess they leave behind though, can be quite harmful for the other inhabitants of your home - your family. Not only that, some of them can actually cause structural damage to your home. You should regularly check your attic for any sign of pests or rodents and keep your attic clean of uninvited guests. Our experts can offer expert advice on this pesky problem and completely decontaminate the area for you.

Laying down fiberglass rolls as additional insulation

You should always work from the perimeter toward the attic opening and install the additional layer perpendicular to the first. Make sure that the insulation you use is unfaced (without a vapor barrier). Use wire mesh to create a barrier around fixtures and vents, so you can place fiberglass batts or blankets right out to the very edge of the floor. Also, protect yourself by wearing a long-sleeved shirt, rubber gloves, safety goggles and a dust mask.


Have any questions about having your attic cleaned? Need more information? Leave your contact information below and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.


When you hire our professional cleaners - your satisfaction is guaranteed! Our company provides only safe, pet friendly, and highly professional cleaning services and solutions.

How can we help?
Select Date and time
Jan 18, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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